Productivity Project -


Everything you need to manage your life easily and efficiently, all on one app.

 Personal project    





Life is complicated! Between all our responsibilities, events, tasks and thoughts, it's not fair to ask our brains to remember and manage everything. Most consumers and workers today rely on multiple productivity apps to manage their daily lives. I personally have separate tools for calendars, to-do lists, general lists, quick personal notes, more organized notes, and planning, on top of the productivity tools used at work. Hours are wasted each week switching between these different products, syncing through various platforms, and often losing valuable information along the way. Studies show that the average worker wastes up to 60 minutes every day navigating between apps1. For tools that are supposed to make life more efficient, they sure seem inefficient. Born out of this frustruation, Faire is the product that ties it all together. A seamless combination of calendars, lists, notes, and more to manage all aspects of our lives.

Market opportunity

Current productivity apps usually focus on just one thing: calendars, to-do lists, grocery lists, notes, or some other singular vector of productivity. But we all have multiple vectors of productivity needs. As a result, we're left to rely on different apps for each purpose. Furthermore, most productivity and work management platforms are web-centric, with mobile experiences that are either challenging to navigate or overly simplified to the point of being impractical. However, for someone like me who is often on the go with just my phone, a robust mobile experience is essential. Faire perfectly fills this market gap - the single source for personal productivity management, optimized for mobile.


What can you do on Faire?

  • Manage your calendar with daily, weekly, monthly, and planning views

  • Color-code your events for better organization

  • Create habit-tracking events to make time for yourself in your daily schedule

  • Automatically integrate your to-do list with your Calendar

  • Label and color-code your tasks for better organization

  • Create custom checklists for all your needs and projects

  • Create notes to keep track of any thoughts and ideas

  • Customize your notes with different font options, drawing tools, tables, to-do lists, and photos

  • Organize notes into folders for better organization

  • Tag your notes to calendar events so you can easily find your notes when you need them

  • ...And so much more :)

User Stories


Daily Calendar

As a user with lots of work and personal commitments on any given day, I want to see all my daily events, habit trackers, and to-do items in one convenient place, so that I can easily preview and manage my day.


Planning Calendar

As a user who often plans future commitments and tasks, I want to see all my upcoming plans, habits, and tasks in one place, so that I can efficiently assess upcoming engagements and plan for new commitments.



As a user, I want to create numerous checklists for all purposes (e.g. groceries, shopping, to-do) and see them organized by project and due dates (where relevant), so that I can easily manage and monitor my progress.



As a user, I want to create customizable notes that can be organized into folders, so that I can effectively manage all my notes and thoughts. I want to be able to attach notes to calendar events, so that I can easily find the right file for any meeting/event.